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Lombardy Region has the responsibility of taking in control the development of two actions:

Action D.1: Dissemination

Action E.3: Networking with other projects 

For Action D.1 a Communication Plan will be programmed in agreement with the partners.

The main public events of PREFER Communication Plan are the following:

- A national event, that will be organized inside an environmental national exhibition, to make PREFER project known by a wide community.

- An European Workshop, to present PREFER to different actors operating at European level such as European Commission, trade organizations, international organizations operating on the project topics and others stakeholders interested in the use and knowledge of PEF.

- The Middle term Conference to present the progress of the project.

- The Final Conference to present the results achieved by the project and the future perspectives.

With the collaboration of the partners, the Communication Plan will also provide to implement other information tools such as the website, some notice boards and communication materials, brochures and CD-rom and the final Layman’s Report that will be distributed during the Final Conference

 For Action E.3: the activities of this action aim to share experiences with other related projects and networks and to find synergies with them. During this Action previous and present projects, connected with PREFER topics, will be analyzed to share and integrate methodologies and tools. Networking activities will be carried out with partners of projects dealing with similar issues of PREFER project. The selection of these projects will be carried out considering projects funded by LIFE program or other programs, as FP7 and now Horizon 2020. The criteria for assessment will be: aims and scope of the project, topics, tools and methodologies implemented, project’s results, fields involved and stakeholders involved. In specific, one of the PREFER public event, will see the participation of some delegates coming from similar projects right to discuss the analogies between their own projects and PREFER.


See the PREFER project brochure and the PREFER Communication Plan