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Monitoring of impacts of project actions

Monitoring of environmental impact of project

Nocera-Gragnano industrial district is in charge of C1 Action – Monitoring of environmental impact of the project actions of PREFER Project. The district takes charge of this by proposing a monitoring plan, the supervision of the project fulfilment by its partners and a final report. The report is conceived to elaborate all the environmental data of the indicators measured that come from the different clusters which are the object of PEF (Product Environmental Footprint) experimental research.

In general the monitoring project aims at estimating the impact of the project on the environmental performances of the territories included in the project. In particular the activities of C1 action aim at evaluating the improvement of the environmental performances purchased by the PMI included in the project, and at estimating those performances that could be purchased if the initiatives for improving them could be taken by all the factories that produce the same product within the same cluster.


Monitoring of social economic impact of project

The purpose of this action is to assess the social and economic impact generated by the project actions on companies and local stakeholders. The action C2 is composed by 2 task:

• An initial analysis of economic state of cluster and companies by data and information from local Chamber of Commerce or other organizations that periodically monitor the condition of local economy and the clusters. The methodology and the sources will be defined to analyze the socio-economic initial condition and the knowledge level in the clusters and organizations involved in the project. The results of the initial analysis will be ready by the first year of the project.

• The second task provides a data collection at territorial and company level about the socioeconomical improvement and a survey among all stakeholders interesting in the PREFER to evaluate the skills and knowledge improvement on the project issues.

The local socio-economic improvement will be assessed by a set of indicators identified to measure the cluster performances and the company performances.


Monitoring methodology for environmental and socio-economic impacts is described in the PREFER Quality Plan.